Manga Of The Month: Kitchen Princess

  Kon'nichiwa! This post is the first of a series I will do every month, where I write about a manga I read and what I think about it. This month's manga is: Kitchen Princess!
  The story was written by Miyuki Kobayashi, and the manga was drawn by Natsumi Ando.
  There are four omnibuses in the series. The art is well done, and the story line is enjoyable. In the omnibuses, you get several recipes. All the recipes I have tried making from this series are really good. (Especially the black sesame pudding, although I recommend using plain white sesame seeds and adding vanilla to the mix.) All the characters, I think, are well thought out. My favorite characters are probably Akane and Daichi. The ending was probably the best part of the series. It was very satisfactory!
   This is a series I highly recommend to anyone looking for a manga about normal life with a twist of mystery. I hope you try it out!
  Sayonara till next time!


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